Fresh ingredients, constantly prepared with an unflagging rhythm in the kitchen, everything prepped and consumed with a day. This not only guarantees and incredibly varied menu, but also full respect for the raw ingredients and, of course, exceptional freshness.

Fruit and Vegetables from Badola
Madness, culture and determination. All the fruit and vegetables used in the kitchen come from a single producer – Paolo AKA Badola, who responding with a smile at his father’s goading, started working his grandfather’s land in the hills of Turin.
Traveller by heart, Badola concentrates on a truly innovative product which almost no one else can deliver. The cultivation of seeds and seedlings impossible to find in Italy. From sweet Finnish white strawberries to mini cucumbers from Mexico which resemble little watermelons and taste like lime, from baby Chinese eggplants to twenty different types of tomatoes from all over the world (and he is one of the few people still in possession of the original ox-heart tomato seed, given to him by a legendary old man).
And when his friends bring seeds back from their travels, some of Turin’s best cuisine is created using these. After having won over various Michelin starred restaurants, today he almost exclusively supplies Da Michele, bringing them produce freshly harvested that day.
Needless to say the high quality and the natural farming methods, which permit the plants to manage and defend themselves to the best of their abilities allows for a product that can be consumed raw without even needing to wash it.
And so these are all the ingredients that, blended by Luca and Silvana’s creativity, you can find on the menu in dishes with impressive and unexpected flavours.
Madness, culture and determination. All the fruit and vegetables used in the kitchen come from a single producer – Paolo AKA Badola. Traveller by heart, Badola concentrates on a truly innovative product which almost no one else can deliver. The cultivation of seeds and seedlings impossible to find in Italy. From sweet Finnish white strawberries to mini cucumbers from Mexico which resemble little watermelons and taste like lime, from baby Chinese eggplants to twenty different types of tomatoes from all over the world. After having won over various Michelin starred restaurants, today he almost exclusively supplies Da Michele, bringing them produce freshly harvested that day.

Fish by Fabrizio and Gabriele Ferrara
All the seafood selected by Da Michele comes straight from the long-standing Ferrara Fisheries. A company passed down generation to generation and which supplies only the best of Turin restaurants like Il Cambio, Michelin Starred Condividere and Il Principi di Piemonte.
The fishery was established in 1965 and really came into its own in the 80s, due to immigration from the South that brought with them their fish-eating culture. A norm that was embraced and tweaked by Luca, thanks to his Viareggio roots which are part of his dna. Da Michele is supplied regularly and, together with the Ferrara brothers, studies and selects fresh, seasonal fish which is purchased and delivered directly from the 6am fish auctions.
The produce, even the lesser known varieties, strictly respect both the sustainability of marine resources as well as the fishermen’s livelihoods. The selection of farmed fish always comes from local farms which are non-intensive and have the highest levels of controls and liability as opposed to some foreign farms.
Classmates from middle school, Luca and the Ferraras continue their almost fraternal partnership, united by their shared passion to give only the best of fare to the people of Turin.
All the seafood selected by Da Michele comes straight from the long-standing Ferrara Fisheries. A company passed down generation to generation and which supplies only the best of Turin restaurants like Il Cambio, Michelin Starred Condividere and Il Principi di Piemonte.
Da Michele is supplied regularly and, together with the Ferrara brothers, studies and selects fresh, seasonal fish which is purchased and delivered directly from the 6am fish auctions.
The produce, even the lesser known varieties, strictly respect both the sustainability of marine resources as well as the fishermen’s livelihoods. The selection of farmed fish always comes from local farms which are non-intensive and have the highest levels of controls and liability as opposed to some foreign farms.

Meat from Cascinassa
Do you know the difference between a restaurateur that respects animals and gets the most out of them, even the less sought after cuts, and a restaurateur who doesn’t have the same values? It is about 12 fewer animals needing to be culled every month.
Indeed Da Michele is not the kind of restaurant where you can only find fillet and sliced steaks on the menu, but an eatery where the customer is offered the most ethically sourced meat possible. This is because of their ability to use the entire animal – and there are very few places with these skills. Thanks to the rich culinary traditions of Piedmont and Tuscany you will be won over by unforgettable dishes that perhaps you have never tried before.
Most of our meat comes from an upstanding farm in Piedmont, La Casinassa, a family-owned business run by Francesca, Morena and Roberto, who, after years of on-the-job training in France and Canada, imported new farming cultures and techniques of animal husbandry.
La Cascinassa is one of the few places that employ a system of close-cycle agriculture, this means that the cow gives birth in their stalls and then is fed exclusively with grain from this same farm which is also fertilized by the very same animal.
Sapete qual è la differenza tra un ristoratore che rispetta l’animale e ne trae il meglio anche dai tagli meno nobili, e un ristoratore senza la stessa cultura? Circa 12 capi abbattuti in meno ogni mese. Da Michele è quel tipo di ristorante dove al cliente viene offerta la carne più etica possibile, perché in grado di sfruttare benissimo tutto l’animale. Quasi tutta la carne proviene da un allevamento virtuoso in Piemonte, La Cascinassa: un’azienda familiare guidata da Francesca, Morena e Roberto, che lavora a ciclo chiuso permettendo alla mucca di partorire in stalla ed essere alimentata esclusivamente con prodotti coltivati in quegli stessi terreni, a loro volta concimati dagli stessi animali.
Do you know the difference between a restaurateur that respects animals and gets the most out of them, even the less sought after cuts, and a restaurateur who doesn’t have the same values? It is about 12 fewer animals needing to be culled every month.
Indeed Da Michele is not the kind of restaurant where you can only find fillet and sliced steaks on the menu, but an eatery where the customer is offered the most ethically sourced meat possible. This is because of their ability to use the entire animal – and there are very few places with these skills.
Most of our meat comes from an upstanding farm in Piedmont, La Casinassa, a family-owned business run by Francesca, Morena and Roberto.
La Cascinassa is one of the few places that employ a system of close-cycle agriculture, this means that the cow gives birth in their stalls and then is fed exclusively with grain from this same farm which is also fertilized by the very same animal.